Centro de Videos

The Role of Social Workers

In a hospital, every role is essential to providing exceptional care. But beyond medical treatment, there's a team dedicated to supporting families in ways that go beyond medicine—our Social Work team. Social workers at Nicklaus Children's Hospital are more than just caregivers; they are advocates, problem-solvers, and compassionate guides. They help families navigate complex systems, connect with essential resources, and provide emotional and financial support during difficult times.

Where Your Child Matters Most

An emblem of hope and inspiration in our region for more than seven decades. Nicklaus Children's is South Florida's only licensed Hospital exclusively for children. A global healthcare destination with pediatric specialty programs routinely ranked among the best in the nation. Nicklaus Children's Hospital continues to raise the bar for amazing patient care pushing boundaries to find cures and save lives through medical innovation.

Su Visita a la Sala de Emergencias: Las 6 Etapas Claves y los Posibles Retrasos

En este video, le guiamos a través de las seis etapas clave de su visita a la sala de emergencias de Nicklaus Children's Hospital. Aprenda qué esperar en cada paso y descubra las posibles causas de retrasos, ayudándole a navegar su experiencia en urgencias con mayor confianza y comprensión.

Overhead Athlete Program

Our Overhead Athlete Program consists of a comprehensive screen to assess specifics of the kinetic chain that directly affect your athlete's ability to perform overhead activities. Sports like baseball, softball, volleyball, tennis, and swimming rely on both lower extremity and upper extremity muscle function and performance.

ACL Injury Prevention Program

Our ACL Injury Prevention Program is designed to correct biomechanical risk factors of ACL injury and to improve strength, power, and agility. The ultimate goal of this program is to keep kids on the field performing at their best.

Running Injury Prevention Program at Nicklaus Children’s Sports Health Center

Running is reported to have a high injury rate. The Running Program at Nicklaus Children’s Hospital is designed to identify and correct for biomechanical movement errors that increase the risk of a running related injury.

Dance Medicine Program at Nicklaus Children's Sports Health Center

Our Dance Medicine Program’s success lies in the expertise of our Dance Medicine Specialists. We have tailored our Dance Medicine Program to provide the most up to date and comprehensive medical and performance-based care to our dancers.

Youth Athletic Development Program at Nicklaus Children's Sports Health Center

Our Youth Athletic Development Program consists of Group Fitness Classes and Performance Training Sessions. The goal of this program is to maximize performance in a fun and positive environment while ensuring safe lifting techniques and creating a foundation of fitness for life Our Group Fitness Program includes two different classes.

Camp Boggy Creek hosts Nicklaus Children's Hospital patients

Camp Boggy Creek host Nicklaus Children's Hospital Cerebral Palsy patients to a fun and therapeutic camp experience!

Oído de nadador. ¿Qué es?

El oído de nadador, u otitis externa, es una infección del conducto auditivo causada por bacterias que pueden crecer cuando el agua permanece en el oído. Si a tu hijo le duelen los oídos o le pican, es fundamental que sigas el plan de tratamiento del médico y esperes a que te dé el visto bueno antes de reanudar la natación para evitar que reaparezca la infección.

Seguridad en la piscina para niños

A medida que se acerca el verano, la seguridad de los niños en la piscina es primordial para evitar accidentes y garantizar una experiencia de baño divertida. Entre las medidas clave se incluyen la designación de un vigilante del agua, la instalación de vallas y alarmas, la programación de clases de natación, el aprendizaje de la reanimación cardiopulmonar y el uso de chalecos salvavidas, además de dar buen ejemplo y ser consciente de los posibles peligros alrededor de la piscina.

Pasos Para Ayudar a Prevenir el Ahogamiento en los Niños

El ahogamiento es una de las principales causas de muerte accidental en niños pequeños, pero puede prevenirse con las precauciones adecuadas. 

Un día de playa, natación y otros consejos de seguridad para niños

Para mantener seguros los paseos a la playa para familias con niños, asigna a un adulto responsable para vigilar de cerca las actividades en el agua, educa a los adolescentes sobre los riesgos al nadar, y elige playas con salvavidas y protección solar.

Un día de playa, natación y otros consejos de seguridad para niños

Dando prioridad a estos consejos de seguridad, las familias pueden disfrutar con seguridad de las actividades acuáticas veraniegas. Asegúrese siempre de que los niños llevan chalecos salvavidas homologados por la Guardia Costera y conocen las normas básicas de seguridad. En el caso de las motos acuáticas, siga los requisitos de edad, realice un curso de seguridad y respete las normas del agua. Manténgase hidratado y protegido del sol con crema solar, sombreros y gafas de sol. 

Prenatal Care For Babies Suspected of Having a Congenital Heart Defect

Discover how advances in medical technology allow most congenital heart defects to be detected before birth.

Revolutionary Treatment at Nicklaus Children's Hospital Brings Hope to Children with Dystonia

The Brain Institute at Nicklaus Children's Hospital is bringing hope to children with dystonia, a rare movement disorder causing involuntary muscle contractions and abnormal movements through an innovative procedure called Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS).

Indicadores Del Desarrollo Para Caminar en Niños

Aunque cada bebé es único, es esencial comprender el desarrollo normal del caminar. Repasa estos consejos y celebra cada hito del camino.

Entendiendo las alergias al polen de los árboles en los niños: Guía para padres

Comprenda los signos, síntomas y cuándo buscar tratamiento para las alergias al polen de los árboles. 

Su bebé de 18 meses: en qué consiste el desarrollo normal y señales de que deben buscar ayuda

A los 18 meses, tu pequeño crece y aprende a un ritmo increíble. Repasa estos importantes hitos para garantizar el desarrollo normal de tu hijo.

Su bebé de 12 meses: en qué consiste el desarrollo normal y señales de que deben buscar ayuda

Revise estos hitos cruciales del desarrollo de su hijo de 12 meses y sepa cuándo buscar ayuda.

How to Apply a Circumferential Super Orthosis on Babies with a Brachial Plexus Injury

Specialized splints for brachial plexus injuries should be worn in partnership with, and under the supervision or your medical and occupational therapy care teams.

How to Apply a Super Orthosis on Babies with a Brachial Plexus Injury

Specialized splints for brachial plexus injuries should be worn in partnership with, and under the supervision or your medical and occupational therapy care teams.

Shoulder Abduction and Flexion Exercises for Babies with Brachial Plexus Injury

Perform this exercise at every diaper change to prevent joint stiffness and loss of muscle.

External Rotation Exercise for Babies with Brachial Plexus Injuries

Perform this exercise at every diaper change to prevent joint stiffness and loss of muscle.

Su bebé de nueve meses: Entender el desarrollo normal y cuándo se debe buscar ayuda

Tu bebé de nueve meses debería estar gateando, levantándose e intentando pronunciar sus primeras palabras. Repasa estos consejos y señales de alarma relacionados con el progreso normal del desarrollo.

Su Bebé de 6 meses Entendiendo el desarrollo Normal y Cuándo buscar Ayuda

Al llegar a los seis meses, tu bebé debería alcanzar varios hitos, como darse la vuelta, balbucear, alcanzar objetos e incluso sentarse con ayuda. Sigue leyendo para obtener más consejos sobre el progreso del desarrollo.

Su Bebé de Cuatro Meses: Entender el Desarrollo Normal y Cuándo se Debe Buscar Ayuda

A los cuatro meses, es esencial que confíes en tu instinto como padre si notas algo que te preocupa. Repasa estos consejos para entender el desarrollo normal y cuándo buscar ayuda.

Su Bebé de 2 Meses Entendiendo el desarrollo Normal y Cuándo buscar Ayuda

El desarrollo de tu bebé de dos meses consiste en celebrar su viaje único y, al mismo tiempo, estar atento a cualquier signo que pueda justificar la atención de un profesional. Repasa estos consejos para mantener la calma y estar informado durante esta emocionante etapa.

Su bebé de un mes: Entendiendo el desarrollo normal y cuándo consultar a un profesional

Repasa estos consejos para conocer mejor el desarrollo normal y saber cuándo debes pedir ayuda a los profesionales médicos para tu bebé de un mes.

Su recién nacido: Entendiendo el desarrollo normal y cuándo consultar a un profesional.

Repase estas ideas esenciales sobre lo que constituye un desarrollo normal durante la etapa neonatal y cuándo es el momento "adecuado" para buscar atención médica.

Consejos para ayudar a su hijo con la ansiedad de regreso a clases

Ayude a calmar la ansiedad de su hijo por la vuelta al cole con estos valiosos consejos de la psicóloga pediátrica del Nicklaus Children's, Marina Villani Capó.

Cómo crear una rutina saludable para su hijo a la hora de dormir

Echa un vistazo a estos consejos esenciales para establecer una rutina a la hora de acostarse que hará que tus hijos se sientan descansados y frescos.

Consejos de hidratación y posibles consecuencias a causa de la deshidratación en los niños

Repasa estos consejos de hidratación para niños cuando hace calor y realizan actividades físicas.

Ideas de meriendas saludables para los niños en verano

Repasa estas ideas de tentempiés veraniegos para fomentar opciones sanas, refrescantes y deliciosas.

Cómo proteger a sus hijos de las picaduras de mosquitos

Proteger a sus hijos de las picaduras de mosquito empieza por crear un entorno libre de mosquitos, utilizando repelentes adecuados y vistiendo ropa protectora. Además, el uso de mosquiteros y la aplicación correcta de repelentes garantizan que usted y su familia sigan disfrutando del aire libre de forma segura.

Manualidades divertidas para niños en casa durante el verano

Padres! ¿Están buscando formas emocionantes de mantener a sus pequeños entretenidos este verano? Bueno, ¡acá hay un regalo! Hoy vamos a explorar algunas manualidades fantásticas que sus hijos pueden hacer en casa, perfectas para la temporada de verano. ¡Empecemos!

Mantener a su familia fresca y segura: Consejos de seguridad para padres en climas cálidos

Ya que el verano está aquí, es importante mantener a nuestras familias seguras y saludables en clima cálido. Hoy, quiero compartir algunos consejos de seguridad para climas cálidos que nos ayudarán a navegar la ola de calor. ¡Entonces empecemos!

Prevención y tratamiento de picaduras de insectos para padres

Todos los padres tienen como prioridad el prevenir y tratar las picaduras de insectos. Proteja a sus hijos y asegúrese de tener los elementos básicos necesarios para remediar el comportamiento molesto de los insectos.

Consejos de protección solar para su hijo

Cada verano, es vital mantener la piel de sus hijos a salvo de la exposición al sol. Antes de su próxima aventura al aire libre, repase estos cinco consejos rápidos de seguridad solar.

Consejos para viajar con bebés

Viajar con niños puede ser una aventura maravillosa si se prepara y planifica un poco. Echa un vistazo a estos consejos imprescindibles para viajar con niños.

Hablar con su hijo sobre el duelo y la pérdida

Procesar el duelo puede ser difícil tanto para los adultos como para los niños. Para asegurarse de que su hijo es capaz de manejar sus emociones, los padres deben intentar ser sinceros y abiertos, utilizar un lenguaje apropiado para su edad, validar sus sentimientos y buscar apoyo adicional cuando sea necesario.

Cómo ayudar a su hijo si se siente intimidado

Como padre, hay medidas que puede tomar para ayudar a su hijo a sentirse apoyado y capacitado si se siente acosado. Es esencial animarle, quererle y escucharle. Discutir opciones y planes de acción, como evitar el acoso y desarrollar amistades, también puede ayudar a tu hijo. Ser proactivo y hablar con la escuela de su hijo sobre sus políticas de prevención del acoso para garantizar su cumplimiento también puede ser beneficioso.

Consejos para que los padres apoyen el bienestar mental de sus hijos

El bienestar mental es crucial para el bienestar general. Animar a su hijo a expresar adecuadamente sus sentimientos, dormir lo suficiente, mantenerse físicamente activo, limitar el tiempo frente a la pantalla y priorizar el tiempo en familia son claves para una vida equilibrada.

Cómo combatir la fiebre en los niños: Qué hacer y qué no hacer

Padres: ¿saben qué hacer y qué no hacer cuando su hijo tiene fiebre? Desde el control de la temperatura y la ingesta de líquidos hasta las opciones de vestido/ropa y medicación, revise estas prácticas recomendadas para cuidar de sus seres queridos.

Señales de autismo en niños

El autismo, o trastorno del espectro autista (TEA), es un trastorno del desarrollo que afecta la comunicación, la interacción social y el comportamiento. Por lo general, aparece en la niñez temprana, y los padres y cuidadores pueden llegar a notar signos y síntomas a partir desde los 12 o 18 meses de edad. Conozca los signos del autismo para una detección y atención tempranas.

¿Cómo uso mi inhalador? Para niños

Es fantástico que los niños con asma aprendan a usar sus propios inhalados de forma independiente a medida que crecen, pero esto siempre debe hacerse bajo la supervisión de un adulto para asegurarse de que lo estén haciendo correctamente y siguiendo las indicaciones de su médico. Esperamos que este video ayude a su hijo a sentirse más cómodo al usar sus inhaladores para el asma.

Arm Care Strategies for the Baseball Player

The Nicklaus Children's Hospital's Sports Health Program has Board Certified Clinical Specialists in Physical Therapy, Specialists Certified in Strength and Conditioning.

¿Qué es el entrenamiento del sueño?

Conseguir que su bebé duerma toda la noche es uno de los mayores retos a los que se enfrentan los padres primerizos. El entrenamiento del sueño consiste en enseñar al bebé a dormirse solo y a permanecer dormido toda la noche. Esto le permite a su hijo/a aprender muchas habilidades que promueven hábitos saludables tanto durante el sueño como durante las actividades básicas de la vida diaria. Es importante recordar que el entrenamiento para dormir no es para todo el mundo y que se trata de una elección muy personal que depende de la estructura, las necesidades y las preferencias de cada familia en relación con la crianza de sus hijos. 

¿Mi Hijo Tiene Asma?

El asma es un trastorno respiratorio frecuente en la infancia que consiste en la inflamación de las vías respiratorias. Esto hace que los músculos que rodean las vías respiratorias se tensen e hinchen y causen problemas para respirar. Uno de los signos más frecuentes del asma es la tos persistente, que puede ser seca o ir acompañada de flemas. Con un diagnóstico y tratamiento adecuados, su hijo puede llevar una vida feliz y sana con asma.

¿Por qué mi niño sigue teniendo faringitis estreptocócica?

La faringitis estreptocócica es una infección bacteriana causada por la bacteria Streptococcus. Es muy contagiosa y puede propagarse fácilmente a través de las gotitas respiratorias y por quienes están en estrecho contacto con otros, como en la escuela o la guardería. Para prevenir las infecciones estreptocócicas, los padres deben fomentar buenas prácticas de higiene y enseñar a los niños a taparse la boca y la nariz al toser o estornudar. El tratamiento de la faringitis estreptocócica suele consistir en un ciclo de antibióticos, pero la faringitis estreptocócica recurrente puede tratarse con un antibiótico distinto del que se recetó originalmente.

How to clean your child's skin prior to surgery with CHG wipes

This video will provide instructions on the proper method to clean your child's skin prior to surgery using Chlorhexidine Gluconate (CHG) wipes. Before your child’s surgery, it is important to prepare the child's skin to prevent infections. Bathing your child before surgery will help reduce the number of germs on their skin. Therefore, less germs on the skin means less chance of an infection after surgery.

How to clean your child's skin prior to surgery with CHG soap

This video will provide instructions on the proper method to clean your child's skin prior to surgery using Chlorhexidine Gluconate (CHG) soap. Before your child’s surgery, it is important to prepare the child's skin to prevent infections. Bathing your child before surgery will help reduce the number of germs on their skin. Therefore, less germs on the skin means less chance of an infection after surgery.

¿La garganta irritada de mi hijo, Infección Viral o Faringitis Estreptocócica? con Dr. Suaris

Conocer los síntomas de un dolor de garganta causado por una infección vírica o una faringitis estreptocócica puede ser crucial para tratar la enfermedad de su hijo. Mientras que las infecciones víricas, como el resfriado común o la gripe, tienden a resolverse en cuestión de días, las infecciones bacterianas, como el estreptococo que causa la faringitis estreptocócica, requieren tratamiento con antibióticos para evitar complicaciones adicionales.

Does my child have ADHD?

Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) are the most common neurodevelopmental disorder of childhood, affecting up to 11% of school-age children. For most, symptoms begin before the age of 12 and will continue into adulthood. The three main ADHD symptoms in youth include inattention, hyperactivity and a tendency to be impulsive.

Meet Dr. Melanie G Suaris

Dr. Melanie G Suaris is a pediatrician who provides care at Nicklaus Children’s Pediatric Care Centers.

Meet Dr. Joanna E. Perdomo

Dr. Joanna E. Perdomo is a pediatrician who provides care at Nicklaus Children’s Pediatric Care Centers

EOSEdge at Nicklaus Children's Hospital

The Center for Spinal Disorders, Part of the Orthopedic, Sports Medicine and Spine Institute at Nicklaus Children's offers the EOSEdge, the latest in spine imaging.

Born with a Cleft Series. What is cleft? What caused it? Video 2

If you may have or are expecting a child who has a cleft lip, cleft lip and palate, or cleft palate, you probably have many questions such as: What is a cleft? and what caused it? In this video, the craniofacial team at Nicklaus Children's Hospital answers these two questions. The Craniofacial Center is dedicated to providing complete care for children with cleft lips and palates, treating the whole patient in a multidisciplinary, patient centered approach.

Born with a Cleft Series. What is cleft? What caused it? Video 1

If you may have or are expecting a child who has a cleft lip, cleft lip and palate, or cleft palate, you probably have many questions such as: What is a cleft? and what caused it? In this video, the craniofacial team at Nicklaus Children's Hospital answers these two questions. The Craniofacial Center is dedicated to providing complete care for children with cleft lips and palates, treating the whole patient in a multidisciplinary, patient centered approach. 

MyNicklaus App: A New Way to Help Patients and Families Navigate Our Health System

MyNicklaus app helps families access our hospital and health system service locations. A highlight is Gozio Health’s patented indoor wayfinding with turn-by-turn navigation to help families find their way to hospital departments and physician offices, as well as on-site hospital amenities and more.

What is a Sleep Study? - What to expect when you stay at the Sleep Lab

In this video, we will explain what to expect during your child's stay at the sleep lab. A sleep study is also called a Polysomnography. This is a test used to diagnose sleep disorders. Polysomnography records your brain waves, the oxygen level in your blood, heart rate and breathing, as well as eye and leg movements during the study.

Born with a Fighting Chance

The Heart Institute at Nicklaus Children's Hospital, where your child matters most.

MR Guided Focused Ultrasound Research Study

Nicklaus Children's Hospital is studying the safety and feasibility of magnetic resonance (MR) guided focused ultrasound technology - an incision-free technique- to treat centrally located brain tumors in children and young adults.

What is type 2 diabetes?

Dr. AdrianaCarrillo, pediatric endocrinologist at Nicklaus Children's Hospital, explains about type 2 diabetes in children.

What is Type 1 Diabetes?

Dr. AdrianaCarrillo, pediatric endocrinologist at Nicklaus Children's Hospital, explains about type 2 diabetes in children.

Meet Verena Schreiber, MD

Dr. Verena Schreiber is a pediatric orthopedic surgeon with the Nicklaus Children's Hospital Orthopedic, Sports Health and Spine Institute in Miami.

E “motion” De escalation of Emotions via Movement – Middle and High School Age

Help your older students better manage their emotions through movement.

E “motion” De escalation of Emotions via Movement – Elementary School Age

Help your young students better manage their emotions through movement.

Técnica de Respiración Profunda

¿Se sienten ansiosos o nerviosos sus estudiantes? Involucre a su clase en esta técnica de respiración profunda diseñada para ayudar a los niños a entrar en un estado relajado.

Classroom Dance Party Break: All Ages

Are your students in need of a break? Jairo Villela, Mental Health Counselor at Nicklaus Children’s Hospital, shares some tips on ways to engage students in a classroom dance party.

Back to School Mental Health

Dr. Sara Rivero-Conil and Dr. Marina Villani-Capo engage in a bilingual chat to discuss mental health as children return to in-person learning.

Meet Doctor Bhavi Patel

Bhavi Patel, MD is a pediatric cardiac intensivist with the Heart Institute at Nicklaus Children's Hospital.

Meet Doctor Anthony Rossi

Anthony Rossi, MD is a pediatric cardiac intensivist at Nicklaus Children's Hospital.

Meet Doctor Juan Bolivar

Juan Bolivar, MD, is the director of Cardiac Intensive Care with the Heart Institute at Nicklaus Children's Hospital.

Meet Doctor Redmond Burke

Redmond Burke, MD is the NCPS Chief of Cardiovascular Surgery with the Heart Institute at Nicklaus Children's Hospital. 

Hip and Back Care for Dancers

Watch this video to view ways to help support and protect a growing dancer's back. This tip is brought to you by The Sports Health Program at Nicklaus Children's.

Warmup technique for dancers

The Sports Health Program at Nicklaus Children's illustrates a warm up technique for dancers.

Foot and ankle care for the dancer

Foot alignment is an essential part of a dancer's technique. Watch this video tip provided by the Sports Health Program at Nicklaus Children's Hospital.

Recovery techniques for dancers

This video discusses recovery techniques for dancers to relieve muscle tightness. This tip is brought to you by the Sports Health Program at Nicklaus Children's Hospital.

Breastfeeding: Is your baby eating enough?

Breastfeeding is a wonderful bonding time for the mothers and the babies. But mothers often find themselves worried because they have doubts and questions about this. At Nicklaus Children Hospital we have developed a series of videos to answer your breastfeeding questions. If you’ve ever wondered if your baby is eating enough. How do you tell if your baby is getting enough milk? It can be nerve-wracking when you can’t see how much milk your breasts are making. The answers of these questions are in this video.

Breastfeeding: Why is breastfeeding Important?

Breastfeeding is a wonderful bonding time for the mothers and the babies. But mothers often find themselves worried because they have doubts and questions about this. At Nicklaus Children Hospital we have developed a series of videos to answer your breastfeeding questions. If you’ve ever wondered why breastfeeding is Important. Watch this video.

Breastfeeding: Why you and your baby may feel frustrated when breastfeeding?

Breastfeeding is a wonderful bonding time for the mothers and the babies. But mothers often find themselves worried because they have doubts and questions about this. At Nicklaus Children Hospital we have developed a series of videos to answer your breastfeeding questions.

Breastfeeding: Plugged Milk Ducts

If you’ve ever wondered why breastfeeding hurts sometimes. Learn more about plugged milk duct. Breastfeeding is a wonderful bonding time for the mothers and the babies. But mothers often find themselves worried because they have doubts and questions about this. At Nicklaus Children Hospital we have developed a series of videos to answer your breastfeeding questions.

Breastfeeding Quick Facts

Breastfeeding is a wonderful bonding time for the mothers and the babies. But mothers often find themselves worried because they have doubts and questions about this. At Nicklaus Children Hospital we have developed a series of videos to answer your breastfeeding questions. If you’ve ever wondered what makes breastfeeding beneficial for mothers and infants, watch this video! This collection of facts will show you the benefits and the incredible aspects of breastfeeding.

Breastfeeding: Benefits of Breastfeeding

Breastfeeding is a wonderful bonding time for mothers and babies. But mothers often find themselves worried because they have doubts and questions about this. At Nicklaus Children Hospital we have developed a series of videos to answer your breastfeeding questions. Did you know breastfeeding benefits babies, mothers, the environment, and society in general? Watch this video to learn more.

Breastfeeding: Is breastfeeding painful?

Breastfeeding is a wonderful bonding time for mothers and babies. But mothers often find themselves worried because they have doubts and questions about this. At Nicklaus Children Hospital we have developed a series of videos to answer your breastfeeding questions. In general, breastfeeding is not painful, but it can be uncomfortable the first few days. What are some causes of pain and discomfort during breastfeeding? How should your baby latch on to the nipple during breastfeeding? Watch this video to learn more.

Meet Brandon Korman, PsyD, PhD - The Brain Institute

Dr. Brandon Korman is a pediatric neuropsychologist with the Nicklaus Children's Hospital Brain Institute in Miami.

Helping Children Cope with a Traumatic Event

Today’s “Let’s Talk Mental Health” video is dedicated to those dealing with the emotional aftermath of the Surfside building collapse. In this video, psychologists Danette Beitra and Silvia Sommers discuss ways to help children cope with a traumatic event.

Acabemos con las muertes en automóviles por el calor

Cada 8 días muere un niño porque se lo dejó solo en un automóvil cerrado en un día caluroso. En solo unos pocos minutos, un automóvil cerrado se calienta y se convierte en una trampa mortal si hay un niño en su interior. Nicklaus Children’s Hospital y Safe Kids of Miami-Dade County se han unido para lanzar la campaña “Please Don’t Leave Me” en la cual se ofrecerá a padres y cuidadores una herramienta visual y consejos útiles con el objetivo de prevenir estas tragedias.

Seguridad para los asientos para autos

Cuando las familias salen a la carretera para viajar o incluso para ir a la tienda de comestibles, el cumplimiento de las normas de seguridad adecuadas debería ser una de las prioridades de todos. Muchos padres se sorprenden al saber que están poniendo en riesgo a sus hijos cuando los sujetan en el coche porque se olvidan de asegurarse de que el dispositivo de retención es adecuado para la edad y el peso y de si se encuentra instalado correctamente.

Casco de seguridad

Los traumatismos en la cabeza son la principal causa de lesiones en los niños. Obtenga más información sobre los cascos de seguridad con la coordinadora de prevención de lesiones de Nicklaus Children's, Malvina Duncan.

Let's Talk Mental Health: Mental Health Awareness Month

Dr. Golnar Alamdari and Dr. Marina Villani Capo discuss mental health awareness in observance of Mental Health Month.

Founder's Day Tribute

On March 20, 1950, thanks to the vision of Dr. Arthur H. Weiland and Variety Clubs International Miami Tent #33, Variety Children’s Hospital opened its doors to serve the children and families of this community. Because of the commitment of these leaders, tomorrow we will celebrate our Founders’ Day recognizing Nicklaus Children’s Hospital’s 71st Anniversary.

New Developments in the Management of Brain Tumors with Dr. Khatib

Join Dr. Ziad Khatib, pediatric hematology/oncologist and director of the Neuro-Oncology Program at Nicklaus Children's hospital as he discusses the latest developments for the diagnosis and treatment of pediatric brain tumors.

Meet Doctor Carrie Firestone Baum - Gastroenterologist

Carrie Firestone Baum, MD, MPH is a pediatric gastroenterologist within the Division of Gastroenterology and sees patients at Nicklaus Children's Boynton Beach Care Center and the Nicklaus Children's Palm Beach Gardens Outpatient Center.

Injury Prevention and Performance for Young Athletes

Christian Gerstenkorn, lead athletic trainer with the Sports Health Program at Nicklaus Children's, provides an overview on ways to prevent injuries and maintain performance in youth sports.

School Education, Lesson 4: Management of Classroom Seizure Emergencies

This video will show you how to respond to a seizure emergency in the classroom.

School Education, Lesson 3: Management of Diabetes Classroom Emergencies

This video will show you how to respond to a diabetes emergency in the classroom.

School Education, Lesson 2: Management of Allergy Classroom Emergencies

This video will show you how to respond to an allergy emergency.

School Education, Lesson 1: Management of Classroom Asthma Emergencies

This video will show you how to respond to an asthma emergency.

Syncope in Children and Adolescents wtih Dr. Martinez

Join Dr. Yadira Martinez, pediatric cardiologist and director of Outpatient Cardiology at Nicklaus Children's Hospital, as she discusses the latest advancements in the diagnosis and treatment of syncope in children and adolescents.

Early Intervention is Key in the Management of Infantile Hemangioma with Dr. Duarte

Join Dr. Ana Duarte, pediatric dermatologist and director of the Division of Dermatology at Nicklaus Children's Hospital as she discusses the latest research on the origins, causes and treatments for hemangiomas of infancy.

Qué hacer ante un atragantamiento en niños?

Este video te mostrará que hacer si tu niño se atraganta con comida o algún objeto. Los atragantamientos son una causa común de accidentes infantiles, sobre todo en niños menores de 5 años. Pueden producirse por alimentos como huesos de pollo, espinas de pescado, semillas y frutas secas, monedas, partes pequeñas de juguetes, canicas, botones, etc... Los atragantamientos ocurren cuando un cuerpo extraño se introduce en la vía respiratoria, obstruyendo e impidiendo que el aire entre en los pulmones del niño. Si la obstrucción es completa o casi completa, existe riesgo de muerte por asfixia.

Cómo administrar RCP a un niño

Es un procedimiento de salvamento que se lleva a cabo cuando la respiración o los latidos cardíacos de un niño han cesado. Esto puede suceder después de ahogamiento, sofoco, asfixia u otras lesiones. Cuando se administra correctamente, la RCP puede ayudar a restaurar la respiración y el flujo sanguíneo del bebé que sufre un paro cardíaco. En este video aprenderás a cómo administrar RCP a un niño entre las edades de un año a la pubertad.

Meet Doctor Parul Jayakar - Director of Neuro Genetic and Metabolic Program

Parul Jayakar, MD of Nicklaus Children's Division of Clinical Genetics is the Director of the Neurogenetic and Metabolic Program and the Miami Genetic Laboratories.

Meet Doctor Danyal Khan

Danyal Khan, MD of Nicklaus Children's Hospital is a pediatric cardiologist with the The Heart Institute.

Meet Doctor Madalsa Patel

Madalsa Patel, MD of Nicklaus Children's Hospital is a pediatric intensivist with The Heart Institute.

Meet Doctor Elizabeth Welch

Elizabeth Welch, MD of Nicklaus Children's Hospital is a pediatric cardiologist with The Heart Institute.

Take a Tour of Nicklaus Children's Hospital with Maja

Join your tour guide, 11-year-old Maja, on an exciting adventure through Nicklaus Children’s Hospital in Miami, Florida. As South Florida’s exclusive pediatric hospital, Nicklaus Children’s Hospital provides amazing patient care to kids from the community and around the world, treating nearly a quarter million patients a year. Watch a condensed version of the video here.

Meditación: Una laguna en el bosque

Parte de la serie de meditación del Departamento de Psicología.

Relajación Muscular Profunda, Meditación Guiada

Parte de la serie de meditación del Departamento de Psicología.

Mindful Meditation: 1-Minute Deep Breathing Relaxation

Part of the Nicklaus Children's Hospital Psychology Department mindfulness series.

Tummy Time Exercise

Tummy time is time your child spends on his/her tummy while awake and supervised. Tummy time is essential to help strengthen baby's head, neck and upper body muscles. Vanessa Strauss, a Physical Therapist at Nicklaus Children's Hospital's Rehabilitation Department, explains Tummy Time. This tutorial video will teach you the proper technique and pacing of this exercise, so you can have your child do it at home as recommended in your child's treatment plan.

Crab Walk Exercise (Physical Therapy)

The Crab Walk is a full-body strengthening movement that also works on coordination and mobility. Vanessa Strauss, a Physical Therapist at Nicklaus Children's Hospital's Rehabilitation Department, explains the Crab Walk.

Baby Grasping Skills Exercises

The Grasping Skills Exercise is fine motor activities that strengthen your baby’s hands, sharpen their eye-hand as well as bilateral hand coordination skills. Each child develops differently at his/her own rate. This video will serve as a guide. If you have questions or concerns, please contact your child’s occupational therapist. Ivonne Arias-Doppelhammer, an Occupational Therapist at Nicklaus Children's Hospital's Rehabilitation Department, explains the Grasping Skills Exercise. This tutorial video will teach you the proper technique and pacing of this exercise, so you can do it with your child as recommended in your child's treatment plan.

Hamstring Stretch Exercise

Vanessa Strauss, a Physical Therapist at Nicklaus Children's Hospital's Rehabilitation Department, explains the Hamstring Stretch Exercise. This tutorial video will teach you the proper technique and pacing of this exercise, so you can have your child do it at home as recommended in your child's treatment plan.

Dressing Skills for Children (Occupational Therapy)

Ivonne Arias-Doppelhammer, an Occupational Therapist at Nicklaus Children Hospital's Rehabilitation Department, explains how to teach dressing skills to a child, so you can do it at home as recommended in your child's treatment plan.
Each child develops differently at his/her own rate. This video will serve as a guide. If you have questions or concerns, please contact your child’s occupational therapist.

Can I Delay My Child's Vaccinations During the Pandemic?

Maria Milla, MD, FAAP, is a board-certified pediatrician with Nicklaus Children's Hospital in Miami and section chief for Nicklaus Children's Pediatric Care Centers. Dr. Milla explains why it is specially important for your child's vaccination schedule to be up to date during a pandemic.

How is a patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) treated?

Lourdes Prieto, MD, Pediatric and Adult Congenital Cardiologist with Nicklaus Children's Hospital Heart Institute, explains the different methods to close a PDA in preterm babies (premies) and full term babies.

Meditación: Mi alfombra magica meditación para niños

Parte de la serie de meditación del Departamento de Psicología del Nicklaus Children's Hospital.

Técnica De Respiración Profunda

Parte de la serie de meditación del Departamento de Psicología.

It's Handwashing Time!

Proper handwashing is an important part of keeping us all healthy. Nicklaus Children's shows kids the right steps for proper handwashing.

Meditación: Un globo rojo para niños

Parte de la serie de meditación del Departamento de Psicología.

Meditación: Paseo por una playa majestuosa

Parte de la serie de meditación del Departamento de Psicología.

Meditación: El Poder de las Palabras y Afirmaciones Positivas

Parte de la serie de meditación del Departamento de Psicología.

Nuevos Protocolos de Seguridad Para Pacientes Quirúrgicos en Nicklaus Children's

El Dr. Chad Perlyn, Director Médico de la sala de operación de Nicklaus Children’s, habla sobre los protocolos de seguridad y pruebas para pacientes pediátricos que tendrá cirugía en Nicklaus Childrens.

Safety Enhancements at Nicklaus Children's Hospital

Nicklaus Children's Hospital leaders discuss enhancements for the safety our patients, families and staff.

Specialized Unit to Treat Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Children (MIS-C)

Nicklaus Children’s Hospital has developed a highly specialized four-bed unit-within-a-unit for treatment of children with multisystem inflammatory syndrome (MIS-C), a complex disorder that is affecting youngsters worldwide during the COVID-19 pandemic. The four-room “MIS-C pod” is part of the hospital’s renowned 40-bed Pediatric Intensive Care Unit, which routinely receives transfers of critically ill children from referring hospitals throughout the state.

Su salud y seguridad es nuestra prioridad #1

En este breve video, el Dr. Marcos Mestre, Director Médico del Servicos Pediátricos, explica qué puede esperar durante su próxima visita, incluidas las medidas que estamos tomando para garantizar una experiencia fluida y sin preocupaciones.

Nicklaus Children's Hospital History

For more than 70 years, Nicklaus Children's Hospital has provided state-of-the-art pediatric care for South Florida's children, birth to age 21. The idea for the unique pediatric hospital dates back to the 1930s when Miami's leading orthopedic surgeon, Dr. Arthur Weiland, proposed building a South Florida hospital for children with debilitating orthopedic conditions. With the outbreak of polio, the hospital became known as the polio hospital of South Florida. Founded in 1950 as Variety Children's Hospital, the renowned medical institution was renamed Nicklaus Children's Hospital in 2015, following a generous pledge from the Nicklaus Children’s Health Care Foundation and golf icon Jack Nicklaus and his wife Barbara. The 309-bed pediatric complex offers more than 40 distinct medical specialties to treat childhood diseases.

Dr. Heidi Gamboa Discusses the IB-STIM Device

In this edition of "You've Asked ... We've Asked," pediatric gastroenterologist Dr. Heidi Gamboa discusses the IB-Stim a small, electrical nerve-stimulating device that children wear behind their ear to help reduce abdominal pain related to irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). It was recently approved by the FDA and is a non-drug alternative to relieving this type of pain for patients ages 11 to 18.

What is Rapid Whole Genome Sequencing?

Our Nicklaus Children's researchers explain how Whole Genome Sequencing helps patient families uncover the source of genetic disorders.

A Day in the Life of a Pet Therapy Dog: Odin

We are excited to announce our newest video series – Dog Vlogs! In today’s vlog, Odin will walk you through a day in the life of a pet therapy dog at Nicklaus Children’s Hospital. Stay tuned for more videos featuring our four-legged friends!

Meet Luxme Hariharan, MD, MPH

Dr. Luxme Hariharan is a pediatric ophthalmologist with Nicklaus Children's Hospital in Miami.

Meet Carla Perez, MD

Dr. Carla Perez is a pediatric gastroenterologist with Nicklaus Children's Hospital.

What medications are used for constipation in children?

What types of medications are used for constipation in children? Pediatric gastroenterologist Dr. Heidi Gamboa explains in this edition of "You've Asked ... We've Answered."

What Are Functional Gastrointestinal (GI) Disorders?

Learn about functional gastrointestinal disorders with pediatric gastroenterologist Dr. Heidi Gamboa in this edition of "You've Asked ... We've Answered."

What Type of Probiotic Should I Give My Child?

In this edition of "You've Asked ... We've Answered," pediatric gastroenterologist Dr. Luis Caicedo Oquendo discusses the different types and uses of of probiotics.

Is It Safe To Take A Prebiotic With A Probiotic?

Pediatric gastroenterologist Dr. Luis Caicedo Oquendo addresses whether it's safe to take a prebiotic with a probiotic in this edition of "You've Asked ... We've Answered."

What Are The Most Common Gluten Issues?

Pediatric gastroenterologist Dr. Luis Caicedo Oquendo discusses the most common issues associated with gluten in this edition of "You've Asked ... We've Answered."

What is sickle cell disease?

What is sickle cell disease? Dr. Athena Pefkarou discusses in this edition of Children's Health Chats.

Mutidisciplinary approach to treating Sickle Cell disease

Dr. Athena Pefkarou discusses the approaches to treating sickle cell disease in this edition of Children's Health Chats.

What are the four types of sickle cell disease

Dr. Athena Pefkarou discusses the four types of sickle cell disease in this edition of Children's Health Chats.

Meet Heidi Gamboa, DO - Pediatric Gastroenterologist

Dr. Heidi Gamboa is a pediatric gastroenterologist with The Division of Gastroenterology at Nicklaus Children's Hospital.

First Aid for an Infant Choking

Do you know what to do if an infant (0 – 12 months) is choking? This video by Linda Nylander-Housholder, APRN. will demonstrate how to identify signs of choking and how to help an infant who is choking. Performing first aid for choking and CPR can keep him/her alive until Emergency Medical Services (911) arrives. This Nicklaus Children’s Hospital video follows current CPR guidelines from the American Heart Association.

Asma y su hijo

Este video explica qué es el asma, cuáles son los síntomas, cómo evitar los ataques de asma, y cuáles son los diferentes factores que pueden desencadenar un ataque de asma. El video también ofrece información sobre los medicamentos usados para tratar el asma.

Sickle Cell Disease - Live Stream Featuring Dr. Athena Pefkarou

Join us as Dr. Athena Pefkarou, Pediatric Hematologist-Oncologist from the Nicklaus Children's Hospital Cancer & Blood Disorders Institute, discusses the future of patients with sickle cell disease.

HSCT and Cellular Therapy: Live Stream Featuring Dr. Jorge Galvez Silva

Join us as Dr. Jorge Galvez Silva, Pediatric Hematologist-Oncologist from the Nicklaus Children's Hospital Cancer & Blood Disorders Institute, discusses blood and marrow transplant and therapies.

Pain Awareness Month at Nicklaus Children's

September is Pain Awareness Month. This month-long recognition was created to increase education and awareness within our community about the effects of pain, the available treatments to alleviate pain and the importance of communication with healthcare providers regarding pain-related concerns so that pain can be better understood and treated.

Nicklaus Children's Hospital has many resources to help decrease children's pain. Watch the video to learn of the many resources and specialists dedicated to easing pain and discomfort for patients and families at Nicklaus Children's Hospital.

Risk factors for Pediatric and Adult Cancers - Livestream featuring Dr. Ziad Khatib

Join us as Dr. Ziad Khatib, Pediatric Hematologist-Oncologist from the Nicklaus Children's Hospital Cancer & Blood Disorders Institute, discusses the risk factors for pediatric and adult cancers.

Scoliosis is a Sign, not a Disease: Featuring Dr. Stephen George & Dr. Thomas Errico

Join us live as Nicklaus Children's Hospital's Pediatric Orthopedic Spine Surgeons discuss the signs, diagnosis and treatment of scoliosis in children and teens.

A Pediatrician's Guide to Thyroid Function Tests featuring Dr. Alejandro Diaz

Join us on this live stream as Dr. Alejandro Diaz, pediatric endocrinologist, discusses when to order thyroid function tests, which tests should be ordered, interpretation and early approach of thyroid function tests.

Diabetes in children (9 of 9): Exercise & Nutrition

This is the last video of our diabetes series. In this video, you will learn about nutrition, exercising and carb counting. The video answers the following questions:  What are carbohydrates? How many grams of carbohydrates does your child need? What foods have carbohydrates? How do you count carbohydrates? This video also provides recommendations and ideas on “free food” snacks for your child.

Diabetes in children (8 of 9): Managing diabetes in school

This is the eighth video of our diabetes series, "Taking charge of our child's diabetes." In this video, you will learn how to manage your child’s diabetes at school, during sick days and when your child exercises. The video answers the following questions: What is a Diabetes Medical Management Plan (DMMP)? What to include in your child’s diabetes kit for school? What are the signs and symptoms that would require immediate attention when the child is sick? This video also provides tips on how to avoid low blood sugar when exercising, as well as a demonstration on how to put together a diabetes kit for school.

Diabetes in children (7 of 9): Diabetes emergency

This is the seventh video of our diabetes series, "Taking charge of our child's diabetes." In this video, you will learn about the two types of diabetic emergencies, severe hypoglycemia, diabetic ketoacidosis. The video answers the following questions: What is severe hypoglycemia? How is a low blood glucose emergency treated? What is diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA)? What causes DKA, what are the common signs and symptoms of DKA, What to do during a diabetic emergency? When to call 911 (Emergency)? In this video, we also demonstrate how to use the glucagon injection.

Diabetes in children (6 of 9): What is hypoglycemia?

This is the sixth video of our diabetes series, "Taking charge of our child's diabetes." In this video, you will learn about hypoglycemia. The video answers the following questions: What is hypoglycemia? What causes it? What are the signs and symptoms of low blood sugar? How is hypoglycemia treated? What types of snacks can you give your child that are fast acting carbohydrates?

Diabetes in children (5 of 9): What are hyperglycemia and ketones?

This is the fifth video of our diabetes series, "Taking charge of our child's diabetes." In this video, you will learn about hyperglycemia. The video answers the following questions: What is hyperglycemia? What causes it? What are the signs and symptoms of high blood sugar? How is hyperglycemia treated? When do you need to call the doctor? In addition, the video explains what ketones are. When do you need to check your child’s ketones in the urine? What do you do when there are ketones in the urine? In this video, you will find a demonstration on how to test your child’s urine for ketones.

Diabetes in children (4 of 9): How does insulin work?

This is the fourth video of our diabetes series, "Taking charge of our child's diabetes." In this video, you will learn about insulin. The video answers the following questions: What is insulin and how does it work in our body? What is the difference between the different types of insulin? (Rapid Acting, Short Acting, Intermediate, Long Acting). How often does your child need to take insulin? This video also demonstrates how to deliver insulin using the syringe and vial method as well as the Insulin Pen method.

Diabetes in children (3 of 9): Blood glucose monitoring

This is the third video of our diabetes series, "Taking charge of our child's diabetes." In this video, you will learn how to monitor your child’s blood glucose. The video answers the following questions: How do you keep track of your child’s blood sugar? What is too high or too low blood glucose? Why is it so important to check your child’s blood sugar at bedtime? What is a Hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c)? This video also demonstrates how to check your child’s blood sugar using a glucometer and provides tips on snacks, and how to keep a blood sugar log.

Diabetes in children (2 of 9): What is diabetes?

This is the second video of our diabetes series, "Taking charge of our child's diabetes." In this video, you will learn what diabetes is and the role of glucose and insulin in type 1 and type 2 diabetes. The video also answers the following questions: What are the signs and symptoms of diabetes? What causes it? What are the treatments for type 1 and type 2 diabetes?

Diabetes in children (1 of 9): Your child’s diabetes team

This is the first video of our diabetes series, "Taking charge of our child's diabetes." In this video, you will meet your child’s diabetes team.  Diabetes calls for a team effort. Our team of healthcare providers will provide you with the best care and information for you to tackle your child’s diabetes. Every healthcare team needs a leader. In this case, that is you. You are the one that has the most control over your child’s diabetes, the one who really is in charge. Your health care team depends on you to talk to them honestly and to tell them how your child feels. Your diabetes team includes: doctor (endocrinologists), nurse practitioner, diabetes educator, nurses, dietitian, social worker, child life specialist, and psychology service.

How to Provide Infant CPR

This CPR video demonstrated by Linda Nylander-Housholder, APRN.   shows step by step how to perform CPR on an infant newborn to 1 year.

Salud Mental de los Adolescentes (Lunch N' Learn)

En este mes de la concientización de la salud mental, la Dra. Marisa Azaret, y la Dra. Sara Rivero-Conil, nos hablan sobre la salud mental en los adolescentes.

Are Cancers in Children Genetic? - Dr. Ziad Khatib Explains

Find out whether cancers in children are genetic with pediatric neuro-oncologist Dr. Ziad Khatib.

How Common are Brain Tumors in Children? - Dr. Ziad Khatib Explains

Find out how common brain tumors are in children with pediatric neuro-oncologist Dr. Ziad Khatib.

What is the Head Start 4 Protocol? - Dr. Ziad Khatib Explains

Learn about the Head Start 4 Protocol with pediatric neuro-oncologist Dr. Ziad Khatib.

Facebook Live Chat on the Flu Season with Dr. Vanessa Guerra

Beatriz Canals chats with Dr. Vanessa Guerra, pediatrician, on the flu season in this edition of Talkin' Kids Health

Meet Adriana Carrillo Iregui, MD - Pediatric Endocrinologist

Dr. Adriana Carrillo Iregui is a pediatric endocrinologist within the Division of Pediatric Endocrinology at Nicklaus Children's Hospital in Miami.

Peyton's Airway Reconstruction Journey

Peyton was born with a congenital heart defect that led her to spend months in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit.

Who is part of a multidisciplinary team for treating scoliosis?

Orthopedic Spine Surgeon Dr. Stephen George explains the multidisciplinary approach to treating scoliosis at Nicklaus Children's Hosptal.

Learn about the Hemophilia Treatment Center at Nicklaus Children's Hospital

Dr. Guillermo de Angulo explains the Hemophilia Treatment Center at Nicklaus Children's Hospital.

What is hemophilia? Dr. Guillermo De Angulo explains.

Learn about hemophilia with Associate Director of the Bone Marrow Transplant Program, Dr. Guillermo De Angulo. 

What is the recovery like for spine surgery?

Learn how your child's recovery works after a spine surgery. Learn how your child's recovery works after a spine surgery. Dr. Stephen George, Pediatric Orthopedic Spine Surgeon explains.

What is low radiation imaging important for scoliosis patients?

Pediatric Orthopedic Spine Surgeon, Dr. Stephen George explains why low radiation imaging (EOS) is important for scoliosis patients is, who need routine imaging of their spine.

Having a scoliosis diagnosis does not imply lifelong limitations

Can your children return to normal activities after a scoliosis diagnosis? Pediatric Orthopedic Spine Surgeon Dr. Stephen George explains.

What is a bone marrow transplant? Dr. Jorge Galvez Silva explains.

Do you know what a bone marrow transplant is? Dr. Jorge Galvez Silva, pediatric hematologist/oncologist explains.

Learn about the Immunooncology program at Nicklaus Children's Hospital

Learn about the Immunooncology Program at Nicklaus Children's Hospital with Associate Director of the Bone Marrow Transplant Program, Dr. Guillermo De Angulo.

What is Leukemia? Dr. Guillermo de Angulo explains.

Learn about Leukemia with Associate Director of the Bone Marrow Transplant Program, Dr. Guillermo De Angulo.

Did you know The Blood and Marrow Transplant Program is comprised of a multidisciplinary team?

Dr. Jorge Galvez Silva is a pediatric hematologist/oncologist with the Cancer & Blood Disorders Institute at Nicklaus Children's Hospital.

Did you know that a bone marrow transplant can treat a variety of conditions?

Dr. Jorge Galvez Silva is a pediatric hematologist/oncologist with the Cancer & Blood Disorders Institute at Nicklaus Children's Hospital.

What does genetic testing entail?

Dr. Parul Jayakar explains different testing methods for genetic testing.

Preventing Medication Injuries

Medication injuries are the leading cause of child poisoning. Learn more about how to prevent medication injuries with Nicklaus Children's Injury Prevention Coordinator, Malvina Duncan.

Meet Doctor Patcharapong Suntharos

Meet Dr. Suntharos, Pediatric and Adult Congenital Interventional Cardiologist.

Genetic Testing for Autism Spectrum disorders

Dr. Parul Jayakar discusses how genetic testing can help in the management of autism spectrum disorders.

What can genetic testing reveal for family planning?

Dr. Parul Jayakar describes what genetic testing can reveal to a family planning to have a baby.

What is the Metabolism Program at Nicklaus Children's?

Dr. Parul Jayakar discusses the metabolism program at Nicklaus Children's Hospital.

What is Whole Genome Sequencing?

Our Nicklaus Children's researchers explain how Whole Genome Sequencing helps patient families uncover the source of genetic disorders.

El recorrido de Olivia

Olivia nació con un defecto cardíaco congénito y su primera cirugía a corazón abierto se programó apenas unos días después de haber nacido. Los padres de Olivia depositaron su confianza en las manos del Instituto del Corazón de Nicklaus Children's Hospital.

Foley y sus amigosFoley y sus Amigos: Cómo cuidar el catéter de tu hijo(a)

Foley y sus Amigos es un video educativo creado por Nicklaus Children's Hospital para explicar el cuidado y el mantenimiento adecuados de una sonda de Foley para un paciente dado de alta. El video consta de dos secciones. La primera parte de este video es una animación para educar a tu niño sobre lo qué puede hacer y no hacer en casa mientras tiene el foley puesto.

What Services Are Available at an Urgent Care Center? - Dr. Jose Rosa-Olivares Explains

Dr. Jose Rosa-Olivares is chief of the Section of Urgent Care Services at Nicklaus Children's Hospital. For more information, please visit https://www.nicklauschildrens.org/UrgentCare

Meet Doctor Sajel Lala Kana - Clinical Geneticist

Dr. Kana is a clinical geneticist at Nicklaus Children's Hospital. She specializes in diagnosing children with complex genetic disorders.

Dr. Jose Rosa-Olivares Discusses the Benefits of Choosing an Urgent Care Center for Children

Dr. Jose Rosa-Olivares is chief of the Section of Urgent Care Services at Nicklaus Children's Hospital. For more information, please visit https://www.nicklauschildrens.org/UrgentCare

What is the Personalized Medicine Biobank?

The Nicklaus Children's Hospital biobank and tissue repository is an essential resource for personalized medicine research efforts, enabling the study of both health and disease over time. The Biobank collects samples and health information from volunteers, regardless of health history. Once a participant becomes part of the Biobank, he or she contributes to ongoing health research. We partner with Sanford Health, a national leader on specimen storage, management and integration with participant health information.

Single Leg Kneeling on a BOSU Ball

Physical Therapist, Lauren Butler, demonstrates a Single Leg Kneeling Excercise on a BOSU Ball

Are Vaccines Safe? - Dr. Otto M. Ramos Explains

Dr. Otto M. Ramos is chief of the Section of Infectious Diseases at Nicklaus Children's Hospital. For more information, please visit https://www.nicklauschildrens.org/InfectiousDiseases

What to expect during your child's MRI?

MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) is a common imaging test used to give medical professionals a closer look at organs or structures inside the body. The images are created using magnetic and radio waves. Learn more about what happends during this test.

Dr. Otto M. Ramos Discusses the Flu

Dr. Otto M. Ramos is chief of the Section of Infectious Diseases at Nicklaus Children's Hospital. For more information, please visit https://www.nicklauschildrens.org/infectiousdiseases

Meet Thomas J. Errico, MD - Pediatric Spine Surgeon

Thomas J. Errico, MD, is a pediatric spine surgeon with the Orthopedic, Sports Health and Spine Institute and the Center for Spinal Disorders at Nicklaus Children's Hospital.

Banded Single Leg Squat

Physical Therapist, Lauren Butler, demonstrates the Banded Single Leg Squat.

Deep Neck Flexor Strengthening

Physical Therapist, Kristin Hayden, demonstrates the deep neck flexor strengthening excercise.

Jump Rope Drills to Improve Running Form

Physical Therapist, Jeffrey Fernandez, demonstrates the straight leg bridge for hamstring strengthening.

Squatting Symmetry on the Neurocom

Physical Therapist, Lauren Butler, demonstrates how to achieve Squatting Symmetry on the Neurocom

Prone Foam Roller T-raise

Physical Therapist, Lauren Butler, demonstrates a Prone Foam Roller T-raise

Sickling & Winging Correction

Physical Therapist, Lauren Butler, demonstrates a Sickling & Winging Correction Excercise

Isolated Great Toe Flexion

Physical Therapist, Lauren Butler, demonstrates an Isolated Great Toe Flexion

Developmental Sequence Training

Physical Therapist, Lauren Butler, demonstrates Developmental Sequence Training

Posterior BOSU Hop

Physical Therapist, Lauren Butler, demonstrates a Posterior BOSU Hop

Modified Single Leg Romanian Deadlift

Physical Therapist, Lauren Butler, demonstrates a Modified Single Leg Romanian Deadlift

Thoracic Extension Elbow Slides on Wall

Physical Therapist, Kristin Hayden, demonstrates Thoraic Extension Elbow Slides on Wall

Basic Forward Plank & Common Faults

Physical Therapist, Kristin Hayden, demonstrates a Basic Forward Plank and Common Faults.

Quadruped Hip Extension/Abduction

Physical Therapist, Kristin Hayden, demonstrates the straight leg bridge for hamstring strengthening.

Swiss Ball Reverse Plié

Physical Therapist, Kristin Hayden, demonstrates the Swii Ball Reverse Plié

Meet Doctor Otto M. Ramos

Dr. Ramos is chief of the Nicklaus Children's Pediatric Specialists  (NCPS) Section of Infectious Diseases at Nicklaus Children’s Hospital.

Dr. Joshua Tarkoff explains tips for fitness and homework

Dr. Tarkoff is a pediatric endocrinologist at Nicklaus Children's Hospital. For more information, please visit nicklauschildrens.org/endocrinology

Straight Leg Bridge for Hamstring Strengthening

Physical Therapist, Jeffrey Fernandez, demonstrates the straight leg bridge for hamstring strengthening.

Jeffrey Fernandez explains track stability for runners

Physical Therapist, Jeffrey Fernandez demonstrates trunk stability excercises for runners.

TRX Inverted Row

Physical Therapist, Jeffrrey Fernandez, demonstrates how to perform the TRX Inverted Row

Pelvic Neutral in Standing

Physical Therapist, Kristin Hayden demonstrates how to find your pelvic neutral.

Heel Tap 1/2 Foam Roller

Physical Therapist, Kristin Hayden, demonstrates the heel tap on a foam roller.

Strengthening Pelvic Mobility

Physical Therapist, Kristin Hayden, demonstrates an exercise to strengthen pelvic mobility.

What is the Personalized Medicine Initiative (PMI)?

The Personalized Medicine Initiative (PMI) involves a comprehensive approach to tailoring medical management to each specific child’s individual characteristics, needs and preferences at all stages of care, including prevention, diagnosis, treatment and follow up.

What is Genetic Testing?

Dr. Parul Jayakar discusses genetic testing for family planning. Learn more at nicklauschildrens.org/Genetics

How Do I Care for my Baby's Gums and Teeth? - Dr. Suheily Aponte Explains

Dr. Suheily Aponte is a pediatric dentist with the Division of Pediatric Dentistry at Nicklaus Children's Hospital. For more information, please visit nicklauschildrens.org/Dental

Teething Tips from Pediatric Dentist Dr. Suheily Aponte

Dr. Suheily Aponte is a pediatric dentist with the Division of Pediatric Dentistry at Nicklaus Children's Hospital. For more information, please visit nicklauschildrens.org/Dental

When Should My Child Begin Seeing A Dentist? - Dr. Suheily Aponte Explains

Dr. Suheily Aponte is a pediatric dentist with the Division of Pediatric Dentistry at Nicklaus Children's Hospital. For more information, please visit nicklauschildrens.org/Dental

What is Beckwith-Wiedemann Syndrome? - Dr. Chad Perlyn Explains

Dr. Chad Perlyn is a pediatric plastic surgeon with the Division of Plastic Surgery at Nicklaus Children's Hospital. For more information, please visit nicklauschildrens.org/BWS

The Craniofacial Center at Nicklaus Children's

Dr. Chad Perlyn is a pediatric plastic surgeon specializing in craniofacial surgery.

What Are Vascular Anomalies? - Dr. Chad Perlyn Explains

Dr. Chad Perlyn is a pediatric plastic surgeon with the Division of Plastic Surgery at Nicklaus Children's Hospital. For more information, please visit nicklauschildrens.org/PlasticSurgery

What is Positional Plagiocephaly? - Dr. Chad Perlyn Explains

Dr. Chad Perlyn is a pediatric plastic surgeon with the Division of Plastic Surgery at Nicklaus Children's Hospital. For more information, please visit nicklauschildrens.org/PlasticSurgery

Dr. Aaron Berger Discusses Brachial Plexus Injuries

Dr. Aaron Berger is a pediatric hand surgeon and the Medical Director of the Brachial Plexus and Peripheral Nerve Program at Nicklaus Children's Hospital

Dr. Aaron Berger Explains Types of Surgeries for Brachial Plexus Injuries

Dr. Aaron Berger is a pediatric hand surgeon and the Medical Director of the Brachial Plexus and Peripheral Nerve Program at Nicklaus Children's Hospital

Dr. Aaron Berger Discusses Treatment for Brachial Plexus Injuries

Dr. Aaron Berger is a pediatric hand surgeon and the Medical Director of the Brachial Plexus and Peripheral Nerve Program at Nicklaus Children's Hospital

What is the Brachial Plexus? - Dr. Aaron Berger Explains

Dr. Aaron Berger is a pediatric hand surgeon and the Medical Director of the Brachial Plexus and Peripheral Nerve Program at Nicklaus Children's Hospital

What are the Treatments for ACL Injuries?

Dr. Craig Spurdle is a pediatric orthopedic surgeon, talks about treatment options for ACL injuries.

What are the signs and symptoms of an ACL injury?

Dr. Craig Spurdle, pediatric orthopedic surgeon explains the signs and symptoms of an ACL injury.

What is an ACL Injury?

Dr. Craig Spurdle is a pediatric orthopedic surgeon, explains ACL injuries.

Meet Doctor P. Marcelo Laufer

Dr. Laufer is a specialist in pediatric infectious diseases at Nicklaus Children’s Hospital.

Meet Ruben Gonzalez-Vallina, MD - Pediatric Gastroenterologist

Dr. Gonzalez-Vallina is a pediatric gastroenterologist and the Director of Gastroenterology Outpatient Services at Nicklaus Children's Hospital. 

Child Life Specialists help patients relax during procedures

Learn how Child Life Specialists help patients relax during procedures.

Child Life Specialists teach patients through medical play

Learn how Child Life Specialists teach patients through medical play.

Child Life Specialists provide education on medical procedures

Learn how Child Life Specialists provide education to patients regarding medical procedures.

Child Life Specialists provide distraction techniques

Learn how Child Life Specialists provide distraction techniques.

Talkin' Kids Health: Individual Education Plans

Learn about Individual Education Plans with Dr. Reshma Naidoo, Neuropsychologist and Neurorehabilitation Specialist at Nicklaus Children's Hosptial.

Devin's Story

Learn about Devin's Story at Nicklaus Children's Hospital's Heart Institute and the power of the American Heart Association.

Meet Doctor Juan Carlos Muñiz

Juan Carlos Muñiz, MD of Nicklaus Children's Hospital is the Director of Cardiac Non-Invasive Imaging at The Heart Institute.

Meet Doctor Sandeep Davé - Pediatric ENT

Dr. Sandeep Davé is Chief of the Section of Otolaryngology at Nicklaus Children’s Hospital. He sees patients at Nicklaus Children's Hospital.

Meet Doctor Obioma Nwobi - Pediatric Nephrologist

Dr. Obioma Nwobi is a pediatric nephrologist within the Division of Nephrology at Nicklaus Children’s Hospital. Dr. Nwobi sees patients at Nicklaus Children's Hospital.

Talkin' Kids Health: Learn about the Personalized Medicine Initiative

Learn about the Personalized Medicine Initiative, with Katherine Schain, board certified genetic counselor at Nicklaus Children's.

La nueva opción de anestesia ayuda a los pacientes cardíacos a recuperarse más rápido y con menos dolor

En esta noticia, la Dra. Kristine Guleserian, renombrada cirujana cardíaca, habla sobre Exparel. Exparel es una nueva opción de anestesia que ayuda a los pacientes cardíacos a recuperarse más rápido y con menos dolor después de la cirugía cardíaca. Jessica García, de 13 años de edad, nacida con un VSD (defecto cardíaco congénito) fue la primera paciente pediátrica en usar este tratamiento.

What are environmental allergies?

Dr. Amy Feldman, pediatric allergist and immunologist, explains the triggers and symptoms of environmental allergies in children.

Meet Doctor Lourdes Rosa Prieto

Lourdes Prieto, MD of Nicklaus Children's Hospital is a pediatric and adult congenital cardiologist with The Heart Institute.

¿Que hacer cuando su hijo tiene dolor de estómago?

Dra. Viviana Idrobo explica que hacer cuando su hijo tenga dolor de estómago.

Condiciones Pediatricas Que Atienden los Centros de Cuidado Urgente

Le ofrecemos a continuación una lista de condiciones médicas para las cuales es posible que usted desee buscar tratamiento en un centro de cuidados urgentes:

  • Alergias (menores)
  • Ataques de asma (menores)
  • Quemaduras (menores)
  • Lesiones, heridas, cortes y golpes (incluyendo puntos de sutura)
  • Resfriados, tos y dolor de garganta
  • Mordeduras de perro/animales (de leve a moderada gravedad)
  • Dolores de oído e infecciones del oído
  • Fiebre en los niños de más de 3 meses de edad
  • Lesiones leves en la cabeza (sin pérdida del conocimiento)
  • Nausea
  • Conjuntivitis
  • Erupciones
  • Dolores de estómago (leves)
  • Dislocaciones y torceduras
  • Infecciones del tracto urinario
  • Vómitos, diarrea y deshidratación

¿Qué es considerado una emergencia?

Dr. Nestor Valeron explica cuand llevar a su hijo a la sala de emergencia o un centro de cuidados urgentes.

¿Qué hacer cuando su hijo tiene fiebre?

Dr. Nestor Valerón explica que hacer cuando su hijo tiene fiebre.

Dr. Rafael Cardenas explica que hacer cuando su hijo tiene dolor de oído

Dr. Rafael Cardenas explica que hacer cuando su hijo tiene dolor de oído

Talkin' Kids Health: All About Scoliosis

Learn about Scoliosis with Dr. Stephen George, Pediatric Orthopedic Surgeon, at Nicklaus Children's Hosptial.

Conozca a la Dra. Darline Santana-Acosta, Intensivista Cardíaca

La Dra. Darline Santana-Acosta del Nicklaus Children’s Hospital es un intensivista pediátrica del Instituto del Corazón.

Superheroes defy gravity to surprise patients at Nicklaus Children's

Watch this clip of a child's experience seeing superheroes flying outside his hospital room, all part of the #patientexperience at Nicklaus Children's.

Sports Health Center at Pinecrest

The Sports Health Center at Pinecrest is designed to help the young athletes in our community when it comes to prevention and rehabilitation of sports injuries.

The Division of Hospital Medicine at Nicklaus Children's Hospital

Director and Pediatric Specialists of America (PSA) section chief, Dr. Marcos Mestre, introduces you to the Division of Hospital Medicine at Nicklaus Children's Hospital in Miami, Florida. 

Meet Pedro Pagán, MD - The Division of Endocrinology at Nicklaus Children's Hospital

Dr. Pedro Pagán is employed by Pediatric Specialists of America (PSA), the physician-led multi-specialty group practice of Nicklaus Children's Health System. He is a pediatric endocrinologist within the Division of Pediatric Endocrinology at Nicklaus Children's Hospital and sees patients at Nicklaus Children's Hospital and the Nicklaus Children's Aventura Care Center.

Pain Awareness Month: Pet Therapy

Alexandra Ramos and Zeus form part of the pet therapy team which provides support to children with pain.

Pain Awareness Month - Music Therapy

Music therapy team uses the patients preferred music to help decrease their perception of pain. Evan, Evelyn and Hilary.

Pain Awareness Month - Children's Experiences

Meet Lisa Kimball, a certified Childlife specialist.

Pain Awareness Month - Bedside Buddies

Kylie and Alejandra provide pain relief to their patients.

Pain Awareness Month - Psychology

Dr Alvarez Salvat provides pain relief through various techniques.

Pain Awareness Month - Nursing

Meet RN Alex Collazo, a Pain Management Nurse. Alex is a patient advocate.

Pain Awareness Month - Physical Therapy

Michael Narbecki discusses how he provides pain relief to his patients.

Nicklaus Children's Hospital Chief of Nursing Discusses Pain Management Month

Jackie Gonzalez, SVP and Chief nursing officer is committed to eliminating all preventable pain. Learn more about Pediatric Pain Management.

Pain Awareness Month - Pharmacy

Yarelys Garcia provides pain relief through medication.

Miami Children's Health System es ahora Nicklaus Children´s Health System

Miami Children's Health System es ahora Nicklaus Children´s Health System

Dr. Stephen George discusses kyphosis

Stephen George, MD of Nicklaus Children's Hospital is a pediatric spine surgeon at the Center for Spinal Disorders.

What is bracing treatment for scoliosis?

When should bracing be used as a treatment for idiopathic scoliosis? Dr. Stephen George explains.

How is idiopathic scoliosis treated?

What is the best treatment for idiopathic scoliosis? Treatment options will be determined for each patient by an orthopedic specialist.

Cómo conversar con los niños sobre las tragedias (Lunch N' Learn)

En estos tiempos de violencia en las escuelas y las redes sociales, la Dra. Marisa Azaret y la Dra. Sara Rivero-Conil nos hablan de cómo conversar con nuestros chicos de estos temas.

What are the different types of scoliosis?

Stephen George, MD of Nicklaus Children's Hospital is a pediatric spine surgeon at the Center for Spinal Disorders. He explains about the different types of scoliosis.

Multidisciplinary Approach for Cerebral Palsy

Pediatric Orthopedic Surgeon, Monica Payares-Lizano, MD discusses the multidisciplinary team approach for neuromuscular disorders such as cerebral palsy.

Advanced Pediatric Care Pavilion | The Beacon Award for Excellence

Jackie Gonzalez, Nicklaus Children's Chief Nursing Officer, discusses how the new Advanced Pediatric Care Pavilion on the Nicklaus Children's campus provides comfort and tranquility to parents of children receiving acute care. She also discusses about the gold Beacon Award for Excellence Nicklaus Children’s Hospital has received by the American Association of Critical-Care Nurses (AACN).

For patients and families, the Beacon Award for Excellence signifies exceptional care through improved outcomes and greater overall satisfaction.

What is Durable Medical Equipment?

As one of the largest and most comprehensive pediatric orthopedic practices in Florida, the Orthopedic, Sports Health and Spine Institute can skillfully provide state-of-the-art and compassionate care for your child’s orthopedic concerns.

Why do special needs patients need multidisciplinary care? - Dr. Monica Payares-Lizano explains

As one of the largest and most comprehensive pediatric orthopedic practice in Florida, the Nicklaus Chidren's Orthopedic Surgery Program specializes in the care and management of musculo-skeletal conditions in children.

Nicklaus Children's Health System

Welcome to Nicklaus Children's Health System. For Health. For Life.

Meet Doctor Yadira Martinez-Fernandez

Yadira Martinez-Fernandez, MD of Nicklaus Children's Hospital is the Director of Outpatient Cardiology at The Heart Institute.

What is spasticity and its care options?

Dr. Toba Niazi, a pediatric Neurosurgeon at Nicklaus Children's Hospital, explains how spasticity is an abnormal rigidity and stiffness of the muscle and its care options through the Spasticity and Movement Disorders Clinic.

What is the importance of a Healthy Lifestyle? - Dr. Yadira Martinez-Fernandez explains

Dr. Yadira Martinez-Fernandez, the Director of Outpatient Cardiology at The Heart Institute at Nicklaus Children's Hospital, explains the importance of a healthy lifestyle.

When should I see a pediatric cardiologist? - Dr. Yadira Martinez-Fernandez explains

Dr. Yadira Martinez-Fernandez, the Director of Outpatient Cardiology at The Heart Institute at Nicklaus Children's Hospital, lists some of the cardiac risk factors to look for a pediatric cardiologist.

What is the importance of an EKG screening for young athletes? - Dr. Anthony Rossi explains

The leading cause of sudden death among young athletes is sudden cardiac death (SCD). Every three days in the U.S., a student athlete dies of SCD. Usually there are no advance signs or symptoms.

To schedule a free EKG screening, please visit: https://www.nicklauschildrens.org/freeEKG

Remote Controlled Transport Cars at Nicklaus Children's

Remote controlled transport cars are used to provide a positive experience for young children who are being taken into surgery at Nicklaus Children's Hospital.

La historia del bebé Carter

El bebé Carter padecía una anomalía única: tenía los intestinos fuera del abdomen. Con la ayuda de los especialistas del Servicios de Cuidado Fetal de Nicklaus Children’s Hospital, ahora Carter puede vivir una vida sana y normal.

Sobre el Acoso "Bullying" (Lunch N' Learn)

Las Dras.Samantha Carella y Silvia Sommers nos hablan sobre el acoso entre niños y adolesecentes.

Miami Children’s Health System to be Renamed Nicklaus Children’s Health System Announcement

Miami Children’s Health System will undergo a name change to align the health system with the branding and identity of its flagship, Nicklaus Children’s Hospital, as announced at last weekend's Diamond Ball.

Los desastres naturales y los niños (Lunch N' Learn)

No caben dudas de que los recientes desastres naturales en todo el mundo y en nuestra comunidad nos han afectado emocionalmente. Estos desastres naturales también pueden afectar a niños y adolescentes. Escuche a nuestros psicólogos pediátricos y aprenda cómo hablar de estos eventos con niños de todas las edades y los signos que indican estrés.

Tracheostomy Tube Change

This video will teach you how to properly change a tracheostomy tube if it becomes dislodged or if it is obstructed. 

Tracheostomy Suctioning

This video will teach you how to properly suction a tracheostomy tube. 

Tracheostomy Site Care

This video will teach you how to properly care for a tracheostomy tube. 

Gastrostomy Tube Care

This video will teach you how to properly care for a gastrostomy tube. The video will review how to clean a gastrostomy tube site, how to give a feedings and what to do if the tube becomes dislodged.

Free EKG Screening for Student Athletes

Every 3 days, the life of a young athlete is lost due to sudden cardiac death. Usually, there are no advanced signs or symptoms. But the saddest part is that it's entirely preventable. A simple EKG screenig can detect heart problems before it's too late. Nicklaus Children's Hospital is offering this invaluable test free of charge to middle and high school sports participants.

Qué esperar en el día de su cirugía en Nicklaus Children's Hospital

Uno de nuestros pacientes nos muestra paso a paso qué esperar cuando se realiza una cirugía del mismo día en Nicklaus Children's Hospital.

Diabetes tipo 2 | Vida y Salud

El Dr. Luis-Gonzalez Mendoza nos explica qué es la diabetes tipo 2 en los niños y las señales que se presentan para que podamos detectarla.

Epilepsia | Vida y Salud

La Dra. Gloria Díaz nos explica qué es la epilepsia, sus causas y la importancia de tratarla.

Implantar dientes | Vida y Salud

La Dra. Rosie Roldán explica que hacer en caso de que un pequeño haya perdido un diente por accidente.

Obesidad Infantil | Dr. Luis Gonzalez-Mendoza

El Dr. Luis Gonzalez-Mendoza nos habla de la obesidad infantil y nos dice qué hacer para prevenirla.

Primeros auxilios | Vida y Salud

Malvina Duncan nos dice qué hacer cuando un pequeño ha sufrido un accidente.

Una dentadura sana | Vida y Salud

La Dra. Rosie Roldan explica cómo mantener una dentadura sana.

Síndrome metabólico | Vida y Salud

El Dr. Luiz Gonzalez Mendoza explica qué es el síndrome metabólico.

Ansiedad durante el regreso a clases (Lunch N' Learn)

La Dra. Reshma Naidoo y Dra. Sara Rivero-Conil ofrecen sus recomendaciones para aliviar la ansiedad en los niños durante la temporada de regreso a clase. Las transiciones o cambios escolares, pueden resultar fáciles para unos y un reto para otros. La doctoras ayudaran a afrontar esos retos.

Meet Doctor Joy Baysa

Joy Baysa, MD of Nicklaus Children's Hospital is a pediatric cardiologist and electrophysiologist with The Heart Institute.

Meet Doctor Alisa Muñiz-Crim - Pediatric Gastroenterologist

Dr. Muñiz-Crim is employed by Pediatric Specialists of America (PSA), the physician-led group practice of Miami Children's Health System, and is the PSA Section Chief for Pediatric Gastroenterology.

Meet Doctor Shifra Koyfman - Pediatric Gastroenterologist

Dr. Koyfman is employed by Pediatric Specialists of America (PSA), the physician-led group practice of Nicklaus Children's Health System, and sees patients at Nicklaus Children's Hospital in Miami and the Nicklaus Children's West Kendall Outpatient Center.

CICU Technology | Innovations in Pediatric Healthcare

Beatriz Blogs shares an inside look at the latest technology used inside the new Cardiac Intensive Care Unit (CICU) in the Advanced Pediatric Care Pavilion.

Intraoperative MRI | Innovations Pediatric Healthcare

Dr. John Ragheb, director of the division of neurosurgery, with the Brain Institute at Nicklaus Children's Hospital discusses guided imaging which brings MRI technology directly into the surgical suite to enhance safety and ensure complete removal of tumors and preservation of healthy tissue.

La tecnología de iMRI permite a los cirujanos ver los tumores cerebrales en tiempo real

A casi 5,000 niños en los EE. UU. se les diagnosticará un tumor cerebral este año. Ahora, la nueva tecnología ayuda a los médicos a extirpar estos tumores y evita que los niños deban pasar por cirugías adicionales.

Michael Fux Family Center

The Michael Fux Family Center (MFFC) is exclusively dedicated for the entertainment of all of our patients, families and visitors. It is our way of making you feel more at home! The center offers a wide range of services and conveniences.

Lunch n' Learn: Detecting the Early signs of Autism

Detecting the Early Signs of Autism: What the speech and language pathologists want you to know. Hear from speech and language pathologists Jessica Thomas and Nayda Torres-Soto. Brought to you by Nicklaus Children's Hospital's Division of Psychology to raise awareness on issues affecting our children today. 

Advanced Pediatric Care Pavilion VLog on Play Spaces

Beatriz Canals of Beatriz Blogs shares a vlog of the play spaces available for patients and siblings inside the Advanced Pediatric Care Pavilion.

Las Pruebas de Desarrollo para Niños (Lunch N' Learn)

La Dra. Rose Alvarez-Salvat, psicóloga clínica, supervisora clínica y directora de formación y Marina Villani, pasante de psicología clínica, analizan las pruebas para niños, desde las pruebas de desarrollo para identificar discapacidades y más.

La historia de Teegan

Una vez que el equipo del Instituto del Corazón se reunió con Teegan y su familia, los médicos se dieron cuenta de que este era un caso diferente a cualquier otro que hayan visto antes. Desde antes de nacer, se le había diagnosticado el síndrome del corazón izquierdo hipoplásico y, luego, se dieron cuenta de que tenía un poco menos de medio corazón y solo un pulmón.
Esta es la historia de cómo el Instituto del Corazón en Nicklaus Children’s Hospital, decidido a reparar el corazón de Teegan, utilizó técnicas innovadoras para averiguar la mejor manera de tratar su condición.

PEDS 2040

Nicklaus Children's is proud to have been the host of this year's Pediatrics 2040 (PEDS2040) conference, which showcases the future of technology and innovation in pediatric healthcare.

LifeFlight Award of Excellence Recipient 2016

The LifeFlight Critical Transport Program has received the Excellence Award from the Association of Air Medical Services.

Meet Doctor Lina Maria Felipez - Pediatric Gastroenterologist

Dr. Lina Felipez is Director of Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) Research and a pediatric gastroenterologist within the Division of Gastroenterology at Nicklaus Children's Hospital in Miami.

Meet Doctor Luis Caicedo Oquendo - Pediatric Gastroenterologist

Dr. Luis Caicedo is a pediatric gastroenterologist at Nicklaus Children's Hospital. He sees patients at several of Nicklaus Children's Outpatient Centers located throughout South Florida.

First Patient moved in the APCP

First Cardiac Patient moved to Nicklaus Children's Hospital's New CICU in the Advanced Pediatric Care Pavillion (APCP).

Dr. Fuad Alkhoury talks about Robotic Single Site Surgery for Children with daVinci Xi System

Nicklaus Children’s is among the first pediatric facilities in the region to offer robotic single-site incision surgery for children utilizing the da Vinci Xi® system. The technique offers a single incision minimally invasive surgical option for gallbladder or ovarian surgeries in children.

Entrevista con el voluntario del año 2015 del Nicklaus Children’s Hospital, la pintora Diana de los Ríos

La muralista prolífica encuentra su mayor inspiración en la creación de arte para pacientes jóvenes y sus familias.

Preparando a lo chicos para el regreso a clases (Lunch N' Learn)

La Dra. Marisa Azaret, directora clínica de la división de psicología, y la Dra. Sara Rivero-Conil, Jefa clínica de psicología, ofrecerán algunos consejos sobre cómo afrontar esos primeros días de clases ¡Les esperamos!

Dr. Otto M. Ramos discusses Zika virus

Dr. Otto Ramos, Chief of the Division of Pediatric Infectious Diseases at Nicklaus Children's Hospital, discusses topics regarding how the Zika virus is trasmitted, diagnosed, what the symptoms are, and how to prevent infection.

Meet Doctor Chad Perlyn - Pediatric Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery

Chad Perlyn, MD is a pediatric plastic surgeon and Co-Director of the operating room at Nicklaus Children's Hospital.

Meet Doctor Aaron Berger - Pediatric Plastic & Hand Surgeon

Aaron Berger, MD is a pediatric plastic surgeon specializing in hand surgery and the Medical Director of the Brachial Plexus and Peripheral Nerve Program as well as the Pediatric Hand Program at Nicklaus Children's Hospital.

Meet Doctor Arielle Hay - Pediatric Rheumatologist

Arielle Hay, MD of Nicklaus Children's Hospital is a pediatric rheumatologist.

Meet Doctor Toba Niazi - Pediatric Neurosurgeon

Toba Niazi, MD of Nicklaus Children's Hospital is a pediatric neurosurgeon with the Brain Institute.

Review of Ketogenic Diet in the Treatment of Dravet Syndrome - Maria Del Pilar Gennaro, ARNP

Maria del Pilar Grennaro,  Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner of Nicklaus Children's Hospital, talks about the Ketogenic Diet as a treatment of Dravet Syndrome during the 2016 Dravet Syndrome Foundation Biennial Conference.

Creative Meal Planning in the Ketogenic Diet - Cristina Visona, Registered Dietitian

Cristina Visona, MS, RD, LD/N, CSP, Clinical Dietitian of the Brain Institute, talks about creative meal planning for children that are on the ketogenic diet at the 2016 Dravet Syndrome Foundation Biennial Conference.

Tongue and Speech Issues in BWS

Pediatric surgeon, Dr. Chad Perly, and Speech-Language pathologist, Renee M. Linenfelser, talk about the speech and feeding issues experienced by children with BWS.

Tongue Reduction for BWS

Dr. Chad Perlyn, pediatric plastic surgeon, talks about the different types of tongue reduction operations for BWS.

Meet Doctor Ronald Kanter

Ronald Kanter, MD of Nicklaus Children's Hospital is the Director of Electrophysiology with The Heart Institute.

Prevention of Sports Injuries in Children | Keeping Kids Healthy

Pediatric orthopedic surgeon, Dr. Spurdle, MD, talks about sports injuries and prevention in children.

Orthopedic Care for Pediatric Musculoskeletal Injuries | Keeping Kids Healthy

Dr. Monica Payares-Lizano. MD talks about the orthopedic care offered at Nicklaus Children's Hospital for pediatric musculoskeletal injuries.

Developmental Hip Dysplasia in Children | Keeping Kids Healthy

Dr. Kevin Horowitz, Pediatric Orthopedic Surgeon, talks about developmental hip dysplasia in children.

Nicklaus Children's Hospital Renaming

For 65 years, we have been there for every step and every stage of your child's journey. We now are delighted to celebrate a new chapter: Miami Children's Hospital is now Nicklaus Children's Hospital. For Health. For Life.

Meet Doctor Stephen George - Pediatric Spine Surgeon

Stephen George, MD of Nicklaus Children's Hospital is a pediatric spine surgeon with the Orthopedic, Sports Health and Spine Institute.

Meet Doctor Avi Baitner - Pediatric Orthopedic Surgeon

Avi Baitner, MD of Nicklaus Children's Hospital is a pediatric orthopedic surgeon with the Orthopedic, Sports Health and Spine Institute.

Meet Monica Maria Payares-Lizano, MD - Pediatric Orthopedic Surgery

Monica Payares-Lizano, MD of Nicklaus Children's Hospital is a pediatric orthopedic surgeon with the Orthopedic, Sports Health and Spine Institute.

Meet Doctor Kevin Horowitz - Pediatric Orthopedic Surgeon

Kevin Horowitz, MD of Nicklaus Children's Hospital is a pediatric orthopedic surgeon with the Orthopedic, Sports Health and Spine Institute.

Meet Doctor Craig Spurdle - Pediatric Orthopedic Surgeon

Craig Spurdle, MD of Nicklaus Children's Hospital is a pediatric orthopedic surgeon with the Orthopedic, Sports Health and Spine Institute.

Questions parents ask about children with BWS

Dr. Perlyn discusses "swollen" tongues and whether children with Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome will "grow into" their tongues.

Miami Children's Hospital Becomes Nicklaus Children's Hospital, Unveils New Logo

Originally founded as Variety Children’s Hospital in 1950, Miami Children’s Hospital unveiled a new logo on March 19, 2015 featuring its new Nicklaus Children’s Hospital name, during a press conference with golf icon Jack Nicklaus and his wife Barbara.

¿Dónde llevar a su hijo si tiene una quemadura?

El Dr. Nestor Valerón explica qué hacer cuando su hijo(a) tenga una quemadura.